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The Importance of School Support on the Mental Health of LGBTQIA2S+ Youth in Québec : Policy Brief

The Importance of School Support on the Mental Health of LGBTQIA2S+ Youth in Québec : Policy Brief
LGBTQIA2S+ youth face unique stressors. Québec isfairly inclusive as the province has prohibited discrimination of gender identity and sexual orientation in section 10 of the Québec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms and urges for sexuality education to be a part of school curriculum. Although the province’s efforts have likely provided some relief to LGBTQIA2S+ Québec youth, reports of bullying and lack of support remain significant, especially in rural regions. Homophobic discrimination is directly and indirectly related to well-being as it can lead to feelings of isolation, which in turn leads to poorer mental health (Blais et al., 2014; Garcia et al., 2020). This is especially true for rural towns across Québec as the lack of queer representation prompts homophobic remarks and leads queer youth to feel alone (Dicaire, 2021). Given the amount of time youth spend in high-school, support within these facilities is essential. Research demonstrates that support systems for LGBTQIA2S+ youth, as well as education about this community within high-schools, may better the mental health of queer youth. In the absence of these tools, their mental health may languish.
Youth for Youth Québec (Y4Y Québec)
July, 2022
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Piccolo, Lexie. The Importance of School Support on the Mental Health of LGBTQIA2S+ Youth in Québec : Policy Brief. Youth for Youth Québec (Y4Y Québec), July 2022.
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Youth for Youth Québec (Y4Y Québec)

January 2018

English-speaking youth (ages 16-30) in the province of Quebec


Share information on resources, training and networking opportunities, and employment/career services for English-speaking youth (age 16-30); offer networking opportunities for English-speaking youth in Québec, to include opportunities for engaging with the official language majority; produce and disseminate policy documents concerning English-speaking youth in Quebec.

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