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Quebec Community Groups Network Brief to House of Commons Standing Committee on Official Languages : Full Implementation of the Official Languages Act in the Canadian Justice System

Quebec Community Groups Network Brief to House of Commons Standing Committee on Official Languages : Full Implementation of the Official Languages Act in the Canadian Justice System
The Quebec Community Groups Network (QCGN) is pleased to submit the following brief to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Official Languages’ (LANG) study on the Full Implementation of the Official Languages Act in the Canadian Justice System. We understand the Committee’s objective is to examine how and to what extent the Official Languages Act is applied in areas of justice that fall under federal jurisdiction. The Committee should know that English-speaking Quebec does not yet possess the level of capacity in this sector represented by organizations like the Fédération des associations de juristes d'expression française de common law, the Centre canadien de français juridique, or the Réseau national de formation en justice. We do not have researched and coherent policy proposals, nor even a developed Quebec-wide network of English-speaking jurists. We are hopeful however that this capacity will develop, and the QCGN continues to actively support the newly formed Association of English-speaking Jurists of Quebec (AESJQ), who have submitted their own brief towards this study.
April 11, 2017
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Quebec Community Groups Network (QCGN). Quebec Community Groups Network Brief to House of Commons Standing Committee on Official Languages : Full Implementation of the Official Languages Act in the Canadian Justice System, April 11, 2017.
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Quebec Community Groups Network (QCGN)


English-speaking member organizations, individuals, community groups, institutions and leaders in the province of Quebec


Providing opportunities for networking, dialogue and collaboration among its constituents; offering evidence-based expertise and producing studies and briefs; local projects; advocating for community vitality initiatives

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