Canadian Community Health Survey (2011-2012) : Findings Related to the Mental and Emotional Health of Quebec's English-speaking Communities

Canadian Community Health Survey (2011-2012) : Findings Related to the Mental and Emotional Health of Quebec's English-speaking Communities
This report is organized around two primary objectives. The first objective is to provide reliable knowledge regarding the mental and emotional health of Quebec’s English-speaking minority communities. In so doing, this report contributes up-to-date and relevant findings to the evidence base that informs the decision-making and initiatives of organizations serving this population. This objective is served by 131 statistical tables and descriptive commentary that provide information drawn from the 2011-2012 Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS). The second objective is to consult the body of experience and expertise of community organizations and networks many of whom are on the front-line in meeting the needs and building the resiliency of English speakers in this aspect of their health and well-being. This objective has been met by soliciting the response of five organizations to the picture of the situation among English speakers conveyed by the CCHS tabulations. As a panel, the organizations were invited to address how this knowledge might serve as a resource in setting priorities and designing initiatives benefitting English-speaking communities. In other words, as a tool in developing community capacity.
Community Health and Social Services Network (CHSSN)
March, 2015
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Pocock, Joanne. Canadian Community Health Survey (2011-2012) : Findings Related to the Mental and Emotional Health of Quebec’s English-Speaking Communities. Community Health and Social Services Network (CHSSN), March 2015.
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Community Health and Social Services Network (CHSSN)


English-language health and social service sector organizations, foundations, etc. in the province of Québec


Developing projects and partnerships that link community and public partners; strengthening networks at the local, regional and provincial levels on health determinants; working to influence public policy and develop services; publishing newsletters on health and outcomes research; supporting member organizations for primary health care, community development, and population health

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