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Alliance Quebec : A Needs Assessment Study

Alliance Quebec : A Needs Assessment Study
The pressures of resources - both human and financial – impose limits on studies of this scope that are unavoidable. Furthermore needs are very subjective in nature and may depend upon who identifies them, who evaluates them and where they are placed among other so-called needs. To assess the needs of any particular group as diverse as the community which Alliance Quebec serves is a daunting task. Alliance Quebec's unique provincial perspective clearly underscores that challenge facing all our communities, urban and rural, large and small, unilingual and multi-lingual. English-speaking Quebecers are increasingly ethnically diverse, ageing and in fear of the loss of our young to other parts of the country and the world. Obviously, given these circumstances, differences will surface as to what is a need and as to how the needs are to be determined. Even though we face common issues, there is nothing common about the way our communities face those issues.
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Alliance Quebec (AQ). Alliance Quebec : A Needs Assessment Study, 1999.
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Logo of Alliance Quebec (AQ)

Alliance Quebec (AQ)

1982; dissolved 2005

English-speaking member organizations and individuals in the province of Quebec


Serve as a province-wide umbrella group of community organizations; represent English-speaking community's interests to the various levels of government; promote human rights and linguistic minority rights

Former Name:
Formed through the merger of the Positive Action Committee and the Council for Quebec Minorities