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Alliance Quebec's Brief to the National Assembly Committee Studying BIll 99

Alliance Quebec's Brief to the National Assembly Committee Studying BIll 99
Alliance Quebec is the one voice of the English-speaking community that’s heard throughout the province. Our 11 chapters cover the territory where more than 80 per cent of all English-speaking Quebecers live. Alliance Quebec welcomes the public hearings on Bill 99 and, in one sense, also the introduction of the bill itself. Our reason is that the bill sets out in clear terms a vision of Quebec which has inspired provincial political parties in Quebec for some four decades. It is time that this vision be clearly defined, its premises examined, and that it be subjected to critical evaluation so that its legitimacy or illegitimacy be established once and for all. The ambiguity, which has surrounded these questions until now, has resulted in economic and social instability and has caused many members of our community to question their future in this province.
fr, en
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Alliance Quebec (AQ). Alliance Quebec’s Brief to the National Assembly Committee Studying BIll 99, 2000.
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Logo of Alliance Quebec (AQ)

Alliance Quebec (AQ)

1982; dissolved 2005

English-speaking member organizations and individuals in the province of Quebec


Serve as a province-wide umbrella group of community organizations; represent English-speaking community's interests to the various levels of government; promote human rights and linguistic minority rights

Former Name:
Formed through the merger of the Positive Action Committee and the Council for Quebec Minorities