
Quebec Home & School News

Quebec Home & School News
December, 1986
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Number of pages: 16

Article titles:

  • QFHSA - a role model
  • Editorial
    • They also serve...
    • A community concern
    • President's message
  • Dropouts given a second chance
  • Partners in preventing crime
  • News from school council of the Island of Montreal
  • Chubby John... shape up now!
  • Education and fun from the USSR
  • Day care services in school
  • English education services in Quebec
  • The health of adolescent girls
  • Smoke free spaces
  • NFB/Educators forum report highlights discrimination
  • International Year of Peace
  • Aggression linked to war toys
  • Focus on Membership
  • Footsteps into the Future - QFHSA fall conference reports
  • Fall Conference... Literacy: coping in the '80s
  • Workshop Reports
  • Focus on the Locals
    • Westpark: school with a heart
    • MacDonald High: veteran volunteer honored
    • Edinburgh: good news and bad news in school lunch boxes
    • École Primaire Beaconsfield: our newsletter yours!
    • Willingdon: peanuts! popcorn!
    • Dunrae Gardens: H&S 'spice of life'
    • Shigawake-Port Daniel: Terry Fox run big success
    • New Carlisle: immersion class spends day at sea
    • John Rennie High: two programs launched
    • Ste. Agathe Academy: June food & energy
    • Allancroft: buy a book - help the library
    • Cedar Park: school can be fun and tiring
    • Greendale: activity broadens opportunities
    • New Richmond: students keep moving!
    • Thorndale: tiger's roar
    • Valois Park: sharing part of Thanksgiving
    • Morin Heights: community in action
    • Courtland Park: parents & staff agree on movie
    • Keith: "kids express"
    • Christmas Park: school packets big success
  • Safety Scene
    • Parents concern/school's concern? Do we share the responsibility?
    • Sobering statistics
    • SADD
    • Block Parents 1986 Convention Report
    • Latchkey Logic by Peter Kenter
Quebec Federation of Home and School Associations (QFHSA). “Quebec Home & School News” 23, no. 5 (December 1986).
Geographical area

Related contributing CKOL partner

Logo of Quebec Federation of Home and School Associations, Inc. (QFHSA)

Quebec Federation of Home and School Associations, Inc. (QFHSA)


English-language kindergarten to secondary 5 educational sector in the province of Quebec


Literacy activities; education activities; conducting leadership workshops; parenting skills workshops

Former Names:
[merger of] Québec Provincial Council of Home and Schools and Greater Montréal Federation of Home and School Associations; Quebec Federation of Protestant Home and School Associations