
Professional Development in Education : Pushing the Boundaries of Possibility

Professional Development in Education : Pushing the Boundaries of Possibility
Autumn, 2015
Series Title
LEARNing Landscapes
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Number of pages: 324

Article titles:

  • Statement of purpose
  • Review board
  • Editorial
  • If education is the key to reconciliation, how will professional development contribute to unlocking the process?
  • Professional learning: A community of practice for great schools
  • A professional learning odyssey
  • Teachers’ professional development: A vital lever for change
  • Con aprecio / with appreciation: Pushing beyond the boundaries of possibility in educational professional development
  • The promise of action research: Lessons learned from the Indiana principal leadership institute
  • Doing-it-ourselves as teacher researchers: A collaborative action research approach for improving literacy support at home
  • 101 making room for inquiry and creativity from pre-kindergarten through university
  • Push, pull and nudge: The future of teaching and educational change
  • Bridges for academic success: Opening spaces for culturally responsive practice in an urban pre-school
  • A narrative conception of professional development as a nested community
  • The ED.D. as investment in professional development: Cultivating practitioner knowledge
  • Capturing the processes of our transformative learning in a transdisciplinary research course
  • Professional development that positions teachers as inquirers and possibilizers
  • Rediscovering the self through self-reflection and transformative learning
  • Trust and witnessing: Lessons for dance education / professional development in community
  • Reflecting selves: Pre-service teacher identity development explored through material culture
  • “‘Cause it has to happen”: Exploring teachers’ resistance to LGBT literature and issues in a teacher inquiry group
  • New practices for a new day: Principal professional development to support performance cultures in schools
Leading English Education and Resource Network (LEARN). “Professional Development in Education : Pushing the Boundaries of Possibility” 9, no. 1. LEARNing Landscapes (Autumn 2015).
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Leading English Education and Resource Network (LEARN)


English-language educational sector (educators, students, parents, Community Learning Centres) in the province of Quebec


Promoting English education; online tutoring; creating teacher and student resources; parenting workshops; mental health and exercise; teacher training; support and development of Quebec’s Community Learning Centres

Former Name:
Founded through the merger of merger of three organizations in July 2005