Brief for the Consortium of Official Language Community Media, Presented to the Standing Senate Committee on Official Languages, for its Study on the Official Languages Reform Project Unveiled on February 19, 2021 by the Minster of Economic Development and Official Languages, English and French : Towards a Substantitive Equality of Official Languages in Canada

Brief for the Consortium of Official Language Community Media, Presented to the Standing Senate Committee on Official Languages, for its Study on the Official Languages Reform Project Unveiled on February 19, 2021 by the Minster of Economic Development and Official Languages, English and French : Towards a Substantitive Equality of Official Languages in Canada
The Consortium of Official Language Minority Community Media (the “Consortium”) is an alliance of Réseau.Presse, the Alliance des radios communautaires du Canada (“ARC du Canada”), the Quebec Community Newspapers Association (“QCNA”) and the English-Language Arts Network (“ELAN”) , the four organizations representing the interests of the entire official language minority community media sector. Since 2016, the four agencies of the consortium have spoken with a single voice on the issues affecting some 105 community newspapers and radio stations.
May 31, 2021
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Consortium of Official Language Minority Community Media. Brief for the Consortium of Official Language Community Media, Presented to the Standing Senate Committee on Official Languages, for Its Study on the Official Languages Reform Project Unveiled on February 19, 2021 by the Minster of Economic Development and Official Languages, English and French : Towards a Substantitive Equality of Official Languages in Canada, May 31, 2021.
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