A Brief to the Minister of Education on the Draft Bill : an Act to Amend the Education Act Submitted by Quebec Federation of Home and School Associations

A Brief to the Minister of Education on the Draft Bill : an Act to Amend the Education Act Submitted by Quebec Federation of Home and School Associations
One of the stated aims of the Home and School movement is to assist in forming public opinion favourable to educational reform and to the advancement of the education of the child. Thus we are pleased to be able to submit this brief to the Minister of Education in response to your invitation for advice on the issue of Governing Boards as outlined in the Draft Bill, An Act to amend the Education Act. This document has been studied with interest by QFHSA's Education Committee. However, since the time allowed for consultation is short and falls in the summer vacation period, QFHSA has been unable to involve the local school associations in drawing up this brief.
Montreal, QC
August 12, 1997
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Quebec Federation of Home and School Associations (QFHSA). A Brief to the Minister of Education on the Draft Bill : An Act to Amend the Education Act Submitted by Quebec Federation of Home and School Associations. Montreal, QC, August 12, 1997.
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Quebec Federation of Home and School Associations, Inc. (QFHSA)


English-language kindergarten to secondary 5 educational sector in the province of Quebec


Literacy activities; education activities; conducting leadership workshops; parenting skills workshops

Former Names:
[merger of] Québec Provincial Council of Home and Schools and Greater Montréal Federation of Home and School Associations; Quebec Federation of Protestant Home and School Associations