
Early Childhood Education : Successes and Challenges

Early Childhood Education : Successes and Challenges
Autumn, 2013
Series Title
LEARNing Landscapes
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Number of pages: 336

Article titles:

  • Statement of purpose
  • Review board
  • Editorial
  • Culturally responsive instruction: Listening to children
  • Déjà vu all over again: What’s wrong with hart & risley and a “linguistic deficit” framework in early childhood education?
  • Getting back on track: The importance of play and storytelling in young children’s development
  • Connecting with children — Something that cannot be taught
  • Gay and lesbian families in the early childhood classroom: Evaluation of an online professional development course
  • Despite the odds: Factors related to the academic success of first grade students from at-risk backgrounds
  • Bilingualism in the early years: What the science says
  • The brilliance of children
  • Listening to children’s voices: reflections on researching with children in multilingual Montreal
  • Developing multi-agency partnerships for early learning: Seven keys to success
  • “School readiness”: The struggle for complexity
  • Wondering with children: The importance of observation in early education
  • How we learn together: Young children (and their mums) using animal metaphors and imagery to understand and manage learning
  • The Canadian forest school movement
  • Learning from the past to inform our present: A survey of the evolution of childhood and the kindergarten
  • Creating an early childhood nature-based play space — A success story
  • A look at grade 2 writing: Successes and challenges in early literacy development
  • Portraits of home: Working in community daycare homes in New Brunswick
  • Learning to attend to children’s familial curriculum-making worlds
  • Regulating early childhood mathematical provision: An exploration across the sectors
Leading English Education and Resource Network (LEARN). “Early Childhood Education : Successes and Challenges” 7, no. 1. LEARNing Landscapes (Autumn 2013).
Geographical area

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Leading English Education and Resource Network (LEARN)


English-language educational sector (educators, students, parents, Community Learning Centres) in the province of Quebec


Promoting English education; online tutoring; creating teacher and student resources; parenting workshops; mental health and exercise; teacher training; support and development of Quebec’s Community Learning Centres

Former Name:
Founded through the merger of merger of three organizations in July 2005