Literacy Across the Curriculumedia Focus
Article titles:
- Of policies and promises
- To ponder
- Development of ABE/Literacy in Canada
- An ABE teacher goes to Antarctica
- Research in practice
- How do adults with little formal education learn?
- Reflections on the Gathering
- Health literacy and hard-to-reach patients
- An overview of Summer Institute 2001
- Moving to the visual: technology and new literacy possibilities for the learning disabled
- Literacy for those with learning disabilities - a personal perspective
- Bridges to practice
- Bridges to practice - the learning disabilities training effort for adults in the U.S.
- Assistive or adaptive technologies
- Cognitive tools and the acquisition of literacy
- Technology and teaching: honouring teachers’ wisdom
- Is there a difference between ‘good’ teachers and ‘great’ ones?
- Adult literacy now
- Chronological conference listing
- Book sale benefits local community and underprivileged schools
- National storysacks update
- Learning disabilities resources partnership
- The architecture of literacy
- Canada book day 2002
- New media education journal seeks contributors and subscribers
Free electronic journal subscriptions to developing countries
Related contributing CKOL partner

Centre for Literacy (CFL)
1991; dissolved 2015
Educational institutions; policymakers; organizations providing educational services; organizations providing employment services, working with youth or with marginalized populations; cultural organizations; hospitals and health care centres; general public.
Learning events on topics connected to the field of adult literacy and essential skills, including the annual Summer and Fall Institutes; workshops, lectures, symposia around the training and information needs of community partners; action research projects, publications, and library services.
Former / Alternate Name:
Centre for Literacy, Montreal; The Centre for Literacy of Quebec