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The Vitality of the English-Speaking Communities of Quebec : From Community Decline to Revival

The Vitality of the English-Speaking Communities of Quebec : From Community Decline to Revival
The goal of this book is to provide a current portrait of the group vitality of the English-speaking Communities of Quebec. The enduring stereotype about the Anglophones of Quebec is that it is a pampered minority whose economic clout is such that federal or provincial support for the maintenance and development of its institutions is hardly necessary. This view of the privileged status of Quebec Anglos is widely held not only by the Francophone majority of Quebec but also by many leaders of Francophone communities across Canada. On the few occasions that Anglophones in the rest of Canada (ROC) spare a thought to the Anglophones of Quebec, either this idealised view of the community prevails, or they are portrayed as residents of a linguistic gulag whose rights are trampled on a regular and ongoing basis.
Montreal, QC
February 29, 2009
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Bourhis, Richard Y., ed. The Vitality of the English-Speaking Communities of Quebec : From Community Decline to Revival. Montreal, QC, 2009.
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