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Good Communication : the Key to Quality Health Care

Good Communication : the Key to Quality Health Care
First Nations and Inuit, immigrants and refugees, the deaf, or official language speakers in minority situations, such as English in Québec, or French speakers in the rest of Canada, can face language barriers. Even for bilingual people, linguistic barriers might arise in a health care situation due to stress levels, complex or unusual vocabulary, cultural differences, or physical factors associated with the illness itself.
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Centre for Access to Services in English (CASE). “Good Communication : The Key to Quality Health Care,” n.d.
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McGill Community for Lifelong Learning (MCLL)

Fondation :

Public cible :
Des gens qui veulent continuer à apprendre pour le plaisir et qui souhaitent partager leurs connaissances, leurs idées, leur expérience et leurs intérêts avec les autres.

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Activités :
Groupes d'étude, conférences, ateliers, sorties et activités sociales

Ancien nom :
The McGill Institute for Learning in Retirement (MILR)