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Lower North Shore Tourism Report 2017

Lower North Shore Tourism Report 2017
Over the period of January 28th to August 28th, a “Junior Tourism & Communications Consultant” was contracted by the Coasters Association, through a project with Emploi Quebec, to work with the Lower North Shore Tourism Ad Hoc Table. This contract included the following objectives: • Training (Coaching); • Implementation of the tourism action plan; • Marketing actions; • Support to entrepreneurs; • LNS Tourism Forum. In addition to these objectives, the Junior Tourism & Communications Consultant was mandated to work on the Coasters Association’s project with Canada Economic Development (refer to Section II of the report), which included the implementation of the tourism marketing actions, and the coordination and planning of the upcoming Lower North Shore Tourism Forum 2017.
December, 2017
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Coasters Association. Lower North Shore Tourism Report 2017, December 2017.
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Logo de Association Coasters

Association Coasters

Fondation :

Public cible :
Population de langue anglaise de la Basse-Côte-Nord du Québec

Site Web :

Activités :
Soutien aux activités régionales de pêche et de foresterie; défense des droits liés à la santé; programmes pour aînés (éducation, santé); recherche axée sur la communauté; prévention en matière de drogue et d’alcool; alphabétisation; camps; problèmes de justice; défense des droits des personnes en situation de handicap; persévérance dans les études

Ancien nom :
S. o.