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Cultural Brief Presented to the City of Montreal February 11, 2005 as Part of the Development Process for the New Culture Policy

Cultural Brief Presented to the City of Montreal February 11, 2005 as Part of the Development Process for the New Culture Policy
Montreal is one of the world's major French-speaking cities. It is also home to a large and active population of English-speaking artists that is stimulated by the city's dynamic cultural environment. The vast majority of English-speaking artists live in and around the Metropolis. Therefore they have a vested interest in actively participating in Montreal's development.
February 11, 2005
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English Language Arts Network (ELAN). Cultural Brief Presented to the City of Montreal February 11, 2005 as Part of the Development Process for the New Culture Policy, February 11, 2005.
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Logo de English Language Arts Network (ELAN)

English Language Arts Network (ELAN)

Fondation :

Public cible :
Artistes et groupes artistiques de langue anglaise du Québec

Site Web :

Activités :
Promotion des artistes au moyen d’une vitrine et de prix; soutien aux programmes et à la formation artistiques; promotion des arts; création de liens avec des artistes de langue française; ateliers; défense des droits

Ancien nom :
S. o.