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Brief for Official Language Policy Review 2016
- English Language Arts Network (ELAN) (Author)
Brief for Official Language Policy Review 2016
ELAN was conceived in November 2004 at the Quebec Arts Summit held in Montreal. More than 120 artists and other representatives of the English-speaking arts milieu, as well as government officials, came together to discuss ways to support artists and cultural workers in Quebec’s official language minority community (OLMC). With the support of sister organizations the Quebec Drama Federation (QDF), the Quebec Writers’ Federation (QWF), and the Association of English-Language Publishers of Quebec (AELAQ), ELAN was created to give a united voice to minority English-language artists of all backgrounds, working in all disciplines, and living in all regions of Quebec. Through networking events, a monthly email newsletter (ELANews), needs assessment surveys, and major projects such as the Arts Alive! Québec community festivals, ELAN has worked to bring Quebec artists closer together and spread their work far and wide.
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English Language Arts Network (ELAN). Brief for Official Language Policy Review 2016, 2016.
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Partenaires participant à la BOSC liés à cette ressource
Association des éditeurs de langue anglaise du Québec (AELAQ)
Fondation :
Public cible :
Éditeurs de langue anglaise du Québec
Site Web :
Activités :
Promotion de l’édition et des éditeurs; organisation de séminaires de perfectionnement professionnel; défense des droits; initiatives de marketing (p. ex., foire aux livres).
Ancien nom :
S. o.