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Report on the Survey on Music and Dance Conducted by the English Language Arts Network
- English Language Arts Network (ELAN) (Author)
Report on the Survey on Music and Dance Conducted by the English Language Arts Network
ELAN has existed since 2005. The MAAP I survey of visual artists in 2006 was beneficial to the visual arts community. Le regroupement des artistes en arts visuels is providing more support and more than 300 visual artists joined ELAN to network with other artists.
No umbrella group exists for English-speaking musicians or dancers in Quebec. The MAAP II survey wanted to know how much support musicians and dancers currently receive, where it is obtained, and what is missing.
The purpose of the Minority Anglophone artists project II (MAAPII) was to reach out to the music and dance communities across Quebec to inform them of ELAN’s mandate and services and to assess the needs of Anglophone artists working in these communities. The needs of the communities were assessed by surveying Anglophone musicians and dancers on how they are pursuing their careers and what services would be useful them.
October, 2007-March, 2008
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Survey team:
- Louise Campbell (Western Art Music)
- Jonathan Lindhorst (Jazz)
- Simon Wayland (Commercial music)
- Sarah Wendt (Dance)
Compiled by Louise Campbell
English Language Arts Network (ELAN). Report on the Survey on Music and Dance Conducted by the English Language Arts Network, March 2007.
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English Language Arts Network (ELAN)
Fondation :
Public cible :
Artistes et groupes artistiques de langue anglaise du Québec
Site Web :
Activités :
Promotion des artistes au moyen d’une vitrine et de prix; soutien aux programmes et à la formation artistiques; promotion des arts; création de liens avec des artistes de langue française; ateliers; défense des droits
Ancien nom :
S. o.