University-based Approaches for Older Adults : Adapting Universities for the 100-year Lifespan

University-based Approaches for Older Adults : Adapting Universities for the 100-year Lifespan
This study, University-Based Approaches for Older Adults: Adapting Universities for the 100-year Lifespan, uses the McGill Community for Lifelong Learning (MCLL) as a case study to probe issues related to seniors’ learning within university contexts, including demographics, effects of learning on the lives of older adults, mutual benefits and expectations for learners and the university community of which they are members. The intention of this research is to enable the continuous improvement of MCLL and, given national and international demographic shifts, to add new perspectives to the literature on the increasingly vital topic of continuing to learn throughout the lifespan.
June 30, 2020
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McGill Community For Lifelong Learning (MCLL). University-Based Approaches for Older Adults : Adapting Universities for the 100-Year Lifespan, June 30, 2020.
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McGill Community for Lifelong Learning (MCLL)

Fondation :

Public cible :
Des gens qui veulent continuer à apprendre pour le plaisir et qui souhaitent partager leurs connaissances, leurs idées, leur expérience et leurs intérêts avec les autres.

Site web :

Activités :
Groupes d'étude, conférences, ateliers, sorties et activités sociales

Ancien nom :
The McGill Institute for Learning in Retirement (MILR)