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The Tourist Offer of the Whiteley Museum and its Surrounding Area on the Lower North Shore : A Quality Improvement Report

The Tourist Offer of the Whiteley Museum and its Surrounding Area on the Lower North Shore : A Quality Improvement Report
This report analyzes the tourist offer in the eastern part of Quebec’s Lower North Shore, particularly the municipality of Bonne-Espérance, a region where English speakers make up the majority of the population. It focuses specifically on an institution in one of these municipalities, the Whiteley Museum. The report provides the authors’ suggestions to improve tourism development as a means to diversify the economy, potentially help reverse demographic decline, and build community vitality.
Quebec English-speaking Communities Research Network (QUESCREN)
March, 2022
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Donovan, Patrick, and Lorraine O’Donnell. The Tourist Offer of the Whiteley Museum and Its Surrounding Area on the Lower North Shore : A Quality Improvement Report. Quebec English-speaking Communities Research Network (QUESCREN), March 2022.

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Réseau de recherche sur les communautés québécoises d’expression anglaise (QUESCREN)

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Personnes cherchant de l’information sur le Québec d’expression anglaise; membres des réseaux du QUESCREN (Table d’éducation interordres, chercheurs-membres, etc.)

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Regrouper les connaissances; rechercher et publier; établir des liens entre le secteur de l’éducation en langue anglaise et un groupe chercheur-membre; gérer des projets de recherche et de développement communautaires impliquant de multiples partenaires; former des étudiants

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