Dans les auteurs ou contributeurs

Regional Development of English Language Entrepreneurial Services

Regional Development of English Language Entrepreneurial Services
YES is a non-profit organization that provides English language employability and entrepreneurship services in Quebec, principally those on the Island of Montreal. The areas of services offered are job search, entrepreneurship, mentorship and artists’ programs. In response to requests from the organizations in the regions outside of Montreal for similar services, YES has begun to develop support and delivery mechanisms that respond to the unique needs of the regions1 within a context of building economic viability. This report provides the results of the work carried out in 2011-12 to look at the feasibility of offering YES-type services in the regions, as well as the planning and development activities that should be carried out to support a broader economic development amongst English-speaking communities in Quebec.
Youth Employment Services (YES)
March, 2012
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Qu’anglo. Regional Development of English Language Entrepreneurial Services. Youth Employment Services (YES), March 2012.
Geographical area

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Qu’anglo Communications et Conseils

Fondation :

Public cible :
Entreprise privée dont la clientèle compte des groupes communautaires et des intervenants d’expression anglaise de la province du Québec, au sein notamment des communautés rurales et de l’agriculture

Site Web :

Activités :
Conception et marketing Web; planification d’événements; service de traduction; service de communications; planification stratégique et opérationnelle

Ancien nom :
S. o.

Logo de Youth Employment Services (YES)

Youth Employment Services (YES)

Fondation :

Public cible :
Chercheurs d’emploi de langue anglaise de la province du Québec

Site Web :

Activités :
Service personnalisé d’orientation professionnelle; service d’accompagnement d’affaires; mentorat; ateliers; conférences; occasions de réseautage

Ancien nom :
S. o.