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Public Consultation on Seniors' Living Conditions : A Social Issue That is the Responsibility of Us All Quebecers

Public Consultation on Seniors' Living Conditions : A Social Issue That is the Responsibility of Us All Quebecers
The English Speaking Catholic Council would like to congratulate the Government of Quebec for recognizing the importance of issues related to seniors and an aging population and its establishment of the post of Minister Responsible for Seniors. We also welcome the initiative of Mme Marguerite Blais, the Minister Responsible for Seniors, to hold public hearings on seniors’ living conditions in Quebec, an issue on which our community and its institutions serving the elderly have considerable experience and great concern.
September, 2007
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The English Speaking Catholic Council (ESCC). Public Consultation on Seniors’ Living Conditions : A Social Issue That Is the Responsibility of Us All Quebecers, September 2007.
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English Speaking Catholic Council (ESCC)

Fondation :

Public cible :
Communauté catholique anglophone du Grand Montréal

Site Web :

Activités :
Événements communautaires visant à développer un sentiment d'unité, d'identité et d'objectifs communs ; activités visant à développer le leadership au sein de la communauté ; défense et représentation auprès des organes gouvernementaux axées sur l'équité et l'inclusivité

Ancien nom :
S. o.