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VEQ Newsletter

VEQ Newsletter
[March, 2014]
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Number of pages: 10

Article titles:

  • Vast range of activities this spring from VEQ and our partners in the English-speaking community!
  • New community directory launched
  • Seniors community forum
  • Fit & fun English summer day camp
  • Computer class for seniors
  • CQSB performing arts festival
  • Active living 50+
  • VEQ’s annual general meeting
  • St. Patrick’s day parade
  • Community Christmas hamper campaign update
  • Seniors, out & about
  • YES business coaching in Quebec city
  • VEQ’s job bank
  • Quebec chronicle - Telegraph 250th anniversary
  • Life long learning
  • Imagination Writer’s festival
  • JCHS volunteer appreciation night
  • Workshops for parents at JCHS
  • Toys & more sale
  • Come knit with us!
  • Quebec art company spring production
  • Voices of victory - Chalmers-Wesley United Church
  • Betty’s quilters exhibition and sale
  • CEGEP St. Lawrence blood drive
  • Jerry Seinfeld in québec
  • 30th anniversary of toastmasters quest club
  • Community calendar
Voice of English-speaking Quebec (VEQ). “VEQ Newsletter” (March 2014).
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Voice of English-speaking Québec (VEQ)

Fondation :

Public cible :
Population anglophone de la région de Québec et de Chaudière-Appalaches

Site Web :

Activités :
Services d'information et de référence; banque d'emplois; activités d'interaction sociale et de réseautage professionnel; développement communautaire; promotion des intérêts de la communauté

Ancien nom :
Voice of English Quebec