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Project Report : Presented by Lower North Shore Housing Corporation

Project Report : Presented by Lower North Shore Housing Corporation
The Corporation d’habitation de la Basse-Cote-Nord, or Lower North Shore Housing Corporation (LNSHC), was legally registered as a non-profit organization in October 2018. The Housing Corporation was an initiative presented by the Coasters Association, and other organizations, to develop an affiliate corporation that would manage housing programs and services for the region. Over the past year of the project, there have been many achievements and challenges. There has been a great amount of effort put in by all those associated with this project. It is clear that the Housing Corporation is an important initiative to the representatives and citizens of the Lower North Shore. It is for this reason that we must continue to work towards exploring funding avenues to support the continuance of this project.
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Kippen, Kayla. Project Report : Presented by Lower North Shore Housing Corporation, 2019 2018.
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Logo de Association Coasters

Association Coasters

Fondation :

Public cible :
Population de langue anglaise de la Basse-Côte-Nord du Québec

Site Web : 

Activités :
Soutien aux activités régionales de pêche et de foresterie; défense des droits liés à la santé; programmes pour aînés (éducation, santé); recherche axée sur la communauté; prévention en matière de drogue et d’alcool; alphabétisation; camps; problèmes de justice; défense des droits des personnes en situation de handicap; persévérance dans les études

Ancien nom :
S. o.