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Community Needs Assessment of Health and Social Services in Notre-Dame-de-Grâce

Community Needs Assessment of Health and Social Services in Notre-Dame-de-Grâce
This community needs assessment is intended to evaluate the assets, weaknesses, gaps, and needs in the NDG community in regards to health and social services. This report describes needs that should be addressed in order to improve the health and well-being of individuals and families living in the NDG community. This community needs assessment provides the NDG Community Council, its stakeholders, and residents with a clearer understanding of health and social service needs in the community. It highlights what local residents, outreach workers, and service providers perceive to be the most pressing needs in the NDG community. This assessment also serves to identify barriers and difficulties when accessing health and social services, particularly those experienced by underserved populations such as youth, seniors, people living with disabilities, visible and racialized minorities, and newcomers, refugees, and asylum seekers living in the NDG community.
NDG Community Council (NDGCC)
August, 2020
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Holtom, Alexandra. Community Needs Assessment of Health and Social Services in Notre-Dame-de-Grâce. NDG Community Council (NDGCC), August 2020.
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Logo de Conseil communautaire de NDG

Conseil communautaire de NDG

Fondation :

Public cible :
Population du quartier Notre-Dame-de-Grâce (NDG) à Montréal

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Activités :
Coordonne les coalitions, les comités et les assemblées publiques ; soutient les initiatives des résidents ; organise les festivals de quartier ; fournit des informations et oriente vers les ressources communautaires.

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