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Brief on Building Local Health and Social Services Networks in Montreal

Brief on Building Local Health and Social Services Networks in Montreal
The ESCC was formed in 1980 as a focal point for coordinating community activities among English-speaking Roman Catholics in Montreal and later across all Quebec. In keeping with the mission of the Church and with its teachings on the role of the laity in the modern world, the English Speaking Catholic Council acts in the fields of education, health and social services, social justice and culture to build a sense of community identity and common purpose. We encourage the development of leadership in the community and assist in coordinating human resources in community-based institutions and we endeavour to ensure effective representation before government bodies and on various boards, committees and councils.
English Speaking Catholic Council
April 7, 2004
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Allmand, Warren. Brief on Building Local Health and Social Services Networks in Montreal. English Speaking Catholic Council, April 7, 2004.
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Logo de English Speaking Catholic Council (ESCC)

English Speaking Catholic Council (ESCC)

Fondation :

Public cible :
Communauté catholique anglophone du Grand Montréal

Site Web :

Activités :
Événements communautaires visant à développer un sentiment d'unité, d'identité et d'objectifs communs ; activités visant à développer le leadership au sein de la communauté ; défense et représentation auprès des organes gouvernementaux axées sur l'équité et l'inclusivité

Ancien nom :
S. o.