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Artcast Pilot Project : Compendium Version 1.0

Artcast Pilot Project : Compendium Version 1.0
The English Language Arts Network (ELAN) has been investing in providing solutions that help Quebec artists increase the value of their work on digital platforms. The ARTS2U project began in 2018 as a way for artists to achieve increased findability and discovery in the digital realm. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, ARTS2U project began including live broadcast events to arts event listings as of July 2020. The ARTSCAST Pilot Project addresses in depth details regarding inclusion and added value to live broadcasts to ARTS2U. In August and September of 2020, the ARTSCAST Pilot Project worked to add value to artist created digital media productions and packages. A series of nine events was assembled to test and document the potential to derive higher value and additional revenue streams. The events took place in multiple venues, featured multiple artists and disciplines and used a range of streaming technologies.
English-Language Arts Network (ELAN)
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Webster, Daniel, James Goddard, and Rio Victoria Jestin. Artcast Pilot Project : Compendium Version 1.0. English-Language Arts Network (ELAN), 2021.
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Logo de English Language Arts Network (ELAN)

English Language Arts Network (ELAN)

Fondation :

Public cible :
Artistes et groupes artistiques de langue anglaise du Québec

Site Web :

Activités :
Promotion des artistes au moyen d’une vitrine et de prix; soutien aux programmes et à la formation artistiques; promotion des arts; création de liens avec des artistes de langue française; ateliers; défense des droits

Ancien nom :
S. o.