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Portrait of Men and Fathers in Quebec's English-Speaking Community & Their Relationship to Services - A Sociological View

Portrait of Men and Fathers in Quebec's English-Speaking Community & Their Relationship to Services - A Sociological View
What is the profile of English-speaking men in Quebec? Are they different from other Quebec men, mainly Francophones? Has the pandemic affected them more? Do they experience additional barriers to services imply because of their language? Finally, what policies and interventions could improve their condition and access to health and social services? These are the questions at the heart of this study. In order to shed light on these issues, the research uses an examination of recent survey results and public data to map out the English-speaking community in terms of the men and fathers who comprise it. Before doing so, a culturalist analytical framework is presented to better understand and interpret the results that emerge from the various sources of information used in the study. Finally, avenues for action in terms of public policy and intervention in practice settings are proposed to improve the situation of English-speaking men and fathers and to bring health and social services closer to their needs and reality. The results of surveys and public data reports form the basis for reflection on the actions to be taken.
Community Health and Social Services Network (CHSSN)
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Roy, Jacques. Portrait of Men and Fathers in Quebec’s English-Speaking Community & Their Relationship to Services - A Sociological View. Community Health and Social Services Network (CHSSN), 2021.
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Réseau communautaire de santé et de services sociaux (CHSSN)

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Public cible :
Organismes, fondations et autres entités de langue anglaise œuvrant dans les secteurs de la santé et des services sociaux au Québec

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Activités :
Développement de projets et de partenariats qui créent des liens entre la communauté et les partenaires publics; renforcement des réseaux à l’échelle locale, régionale et provinciale concernant les déterminants de la santé; efforts pour influer sur les politiques publiques et le développement de services; publication de bulletins sur la santé et les résultats de recherche; soutien aux organismes membres en matière de soins de santé primaires, de développement communautaire et de santé de la population

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S. o.