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Access to Justice for Minority Populations : Focus on the English-speaking Communities of Quebec: 2000-2016

Access to Justice for Minority Populations : Focus on the English-speaking Communities of Quebec: 2000-2016
The objectives of this project are to research access to justice issues experienced by English-speaking Quebecers from their perspective, to establish metrics for measuring access to justice that fit the needs of community members, and to make recommendations to mitigate or overcome gaps and challenges for the English-speaking community of Quebec. The guiding question is: What is the lived experience for an English-speaking Quebecer in accessing legal and judicial information and services or in interacting with any of the social services that are now understood to be implicated in the broader concept of access to justice? This literature review is the first deliverable from Phase 1 of the project with an expectation that the findings will inform the second deliverable — a research plan to fill gaps in knowledge about the reality of access to justice for the anglophone population of Quebec.
Quebec Community Groups Network (QCGN)
November 28, 2016
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Shohet, Linda. Access to Justice for Minority Populations : Focus on the English-Speaking Communities of Quebec: 2000-2016. Quebec Community Groups Network (QCGN), November 28, 2016.
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Quebec Community Groups Network (QCGN)

Fondation :

Public cible :
Organismes, personnes, groupes communautaires, établissements et leaders d’expression anglaise du Québec

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Activités :
Occasions de réseautage, de dialogue et de collaboration entre ses membres; service d’expertise éprouvée et réalisation d’études et de dossiers; développement de projets locaux; promotion des initiatives de vitalité communautaire

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