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English-speaking Community Representation in Network Governance : Info sheet no.3

English-speaking Community Representation in Network Governance : Info sheet no.3
Bill 10 adopted in February 2015, did not replace the Health and Social Services Act, often referred to as S 4.2. But it substantially changed certain of its provisions. In particular, it radically altered the way in which Quebec’s public health and social services system is administered. It changed the identity of the institutions that deliver health and social services, the composition and manner of appointment of board members, and for the first time created the possibility for at least one person coming from the English-speaking community to have a seat on each one of the 22 Centre Intégrés (CI) which now deliver all of the regionally based services. There is one CI per region where CIs exist, except Gaspé which has two, Montérégie which has three, and Montréal which has five.
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Quebec Community Groups Network (QCGN). English-Speaking Community Representation in Network Governance : Info Sheet No.3, n.d.
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Logo de Quebec Community Groups Network (QCGN)

Quebec Community Groups Network (QCGN)

Fondation :

Public cible :
Organismes, personnes, groupes communautaires, établissements et leaders d’expression anglaise du Québec

Site Web :

Activités :
Occasions de réseautage, de dialogue et de collaboration entre ses membres; service d’expertise éprouvée et réalisation d’études et de dossiers; développement de projets locaux; promotion des initiatives de vitalité communautaire

Ancien nom :
S. o.