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Alliance Quebec News Magazine

Alliance Quebec News Magazine
Spring, 2001
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Number of pages: 38

Article titles:

  • Letters
  • Bringing things into focus by Bill Butcher
  • All aboard the AQ train by Jerry W. Slovacek
  • Message from the president
  • Executive director’s report
  • Alliance Quebec initiatives
  • Community development by Mary Anne Thomson
  • A message from the provincial youth commission by Chris Dye
  • Brief to the Estates General of the French Language
  • A report from the Rouyn-Noranda chapter
  • A report from the Val d’Or chapter
  • Access to English language health and social services: it is our right and responsibility
  • Questionnaire
  • Health care… not for me… I’m healthy
  • Community & political action report
  • Fundraising and membership by Jodi Baron
  • A significant victory for English rights by William Johnson
  • Trudeau: a towering statesman by Max Nemni
  • Democracy in North America by Michael N. Bergman
  • So little time. So much hypocrisy by Brent Tyler
  • A farewell message by Maurice J. King
  • Political correctness by Stan Grossman
  • Language and English-speaking Quebec: identifying the problem by Timothy L. Thomas
  • Manufacturing immigrants by Jan Vrana
  • Surfing past reality TV by Andrea Shuster
  • Some AQ highlights 2000-2001
Alliance Quebec (AQ). “Alliance Quebec News Magazine” 3, no. 1 (Spring 2001).
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Logo de Alliance Quebec (AQ)

Alliance Quebec (AQ)

Fondation :
1982 ; dissolution en 2005

Public cible :
Organismes membres et individus d’expression anglaise du Québec

Site Web :
Aucun site web actif

Activités :
Groupe parapluie des organisations communautaires d’expression anglaise à l'échelle de la province ; représentation des intérêts de la communauté d’expression anglaise auprès des différents niveaux de gouvernement ; promotion des droits de la personne et des droits des minorités linguistiques.

Ancien nom :
Issu de la fusion du Positive Action Committee et du Council for Quebec Minorities.