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Compliation of Creations

Compliation of Creations
November, 2019
You are not authorized to use or reproduce this work for any commercial purpose or to further distribute, perform, or alter works in any way without express permission of the owner of the copyright or proxy.
Number of pages: 56

Article titles:

  • Trash cans
  • Nightmares
  • Invisible
  • Friend
  • Crazy
  • Ancestors
  • Dungeon
  • Winter sky
  • High school
  • Happy hours
  • Past feelings
  • Childhood memories
  • Writer, poet block
  • Roxanne’s Rockin’ Poems
  • Unicorn
  • I hate snow
  • The little girl
  • White noise
  • The cult
  • Nuck
  • Shopping list
  • Elephants
  • Darkness
  • Fallout
  • Cave of mystery
  • Motherhood
  • Tears
  • Anger
  • Air
  • Rhyme
  • Forced submission
  • Cacophony of madness
  • Chernobyl
  • Life on a clock
  • Pandemonium in my mind
  • Future
  • Desperation
  • Dark people
  • Life
  • Fake
  • Hell
  • Lies
  • Hate

Includes multiple untitled poems

Writers in the Community. “Compliation of Creations” (November 2019).
Geographical area
Contributing CKOL partner

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Logo de Quebec Writers’ Federation (QWF)

Quebec Writers’ Federation (QWF)

Fondation :

Public cible :
Écrivains de langue anglaise de la province du Québec

Site Web : 

Activités :
Promotion des écrivains; organisation de résidences d’écrivain et d’ateliers; mentorat et bourses; organisation d’un gala annuel, de foires aux livres et d’activités littéraires; gestion du répertoire d’écrivains

Ancien nom :
Federation of English Language Writers of Québec