Bibliothèque complète
Quebec Home & School News
Quebec Home & School News
June, 1976
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Number of pages: 16
Article titles:
- Minister of Education tells parents: It's time for a change!
- Editorial
- A matter of privilege
- Manipulating children is wrong
- Federation shows real leadership
- Excellent session
- Getting together
- Language tests
- Summer safety
- Human touch is needed
- Negotiation alliance - how deep does it go?
- Minister says schools must pursue excellence
- Federazione Quebecchese delle Associazioni casa-scuola
- Skills decline related to lack of discipline
- Federation submits brief on bilingualism: demands 9% grant
- Catholic children in Protestant schools, some to be evicted!
- Open conference: bridging the solitudes
- Friendship for Peace
- P.S.B.G.M. reduces services: budget cut 12%
- High school leaving exams
- An educational project: Habitat
- Survival at stake: man is not centre of world
- Vital need for leaders
- Canadian Home & School annual meeting, resolutions become National Policy
- Bikes need a check-up
- Denticare and our children's teeth, look mum - no cavities!
- Canadian Home & School & Parent-teacher federation, national holds annual meeting
- Secretary extraordinaire
- Settlement experts challenge governments
- 1976 Federation Executive
- Priorities established
- Reading: it really is all important ...
- Future values 3-way street: Home - School - Community
- Bilingualism grants - we keep trying!
- Past-president Miller presents Buzzell award
- Decisions in education: a "messy" situation
- French - second language, literacy required
- No change in fees for 1976/77
- Contract negotiations: bargaining does not exist
- Environmental studies: creative playgrounds aid learning process
- Focus on the locals
- Lakeshore Council meet: Parents told political inspired problems need political solutions
- Shigawake-Port Daniel arts display
- Greendale: money from junk
- Sunnydale Park: babysitting and bikes
- Lasalle High: the Bus
- Spring Garden H&S without a school!
- Membership: be early off the mark!
- To do's from the Canadian Home & School annual meeting
Quebec Federation of Home and School Associations (QFHSA). “Quebec Home & School News” 13, no. 5 (June 1976).
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Fédération québécoise des associations foyer-école, inc. (QFHSA)
Fondation :
Public cible :
Secteur de l’éducation en anglais du Québec, de la maternelle à la 5e secondaire
Site Web :
Activités :
Activités d’alphabétisation; activités pédagogiques; ateliers sur le leadership; ateliers sur le rôle parental
Anciens noms :
[Fusion entre] le Québec Provincial Council of Home and Schools et les Greater Montréal Federation of Home and School Associations; Quebec Federation of Protestant Home and School Associations