
QFHSA News : The News Magazine for Home and School Members

QFHSA News : The News Magazine for Home and School Members
Fall, 2022
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Number of pages: 24

Article titles:

  • Hooray for good times!
  • Dates to remember
  • President's message
  • Executive director's message
  • 2022 QFHSA fall conference
  • The QFHSA's family fun workshops
  • ELAN's what we choose to remember
  • Spotlight on the board of directors
  • Join a QFHSA committee
  • News from the executive training workshops
  • Remembering: Helen Koeppe Heiskala and David Howard Hill
  • The impact of Law 96: A survey
  • Youth exploring science
  • Why the next Minister of Education must learn what the definition of meaningful consultation really means! A commentary by Brian Rock
  • Books available (2022 holiday baskets)
  • How to help an anxious child...
  • Literacy corner
  • Membership services—The latest news
  • Focus on the locals
Quebec Federation of Home and School Associations (QFHSA). “QFHSA News : The News Magazine for Home and School Members” (Fall 2022).
Geographical area

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Logo de Fédération québécoise des associations foyer-école, inc. (QFHSA)

Fédération québécoise des associations foyer-école, inc. (QFHSA)

Fondation :

Public cible :
Secteur de l’éducation en anglais du Québec, de la maternelle à la 5e secondaire

Site Web : 

Activités :
Activités d’alphabétisation; activités pédagogiques; ateliers sur le leadership; ateliers sur le rôle parental

Anciens noms :
[Fusion entre] le Québec Provincial Council of Home and Schools et les Greater Montréal Federation of Home and School Associations; Quebec Federation of Protestant Home and School Associations