
Quebec Home & School News

Quebec Home & School News
May, 1984
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Number of pages: 16

Article titles:

  • 40: this number has more than one significant meaning this year for us
  • Ministers of Education agree to share knowledge to aid students
  • Fine arts centre to open
  • Student [enrollment] drop on increase
  • Editorial
    • What English minority?
    • Bill 40 - and political attitudes towards "volunteerism"
    • Toronto tells the truth about Quebec
    • President's message
  • Developments south of the border
  • French school delayed one year
  • Study shows immigrant children ignored and dumped...
  • NFB films "War" series for classroom
  • Stress affects children
  • Anti-drug message needed
  • French in Canadian schools
  • 40 years of change & challenge
  • Canadian youth and physical activity
  • Focus on the Locals
    • Northview: how one school organizes its computer training
    • E.P. Beaconsfield: goodbye winter!
    • Lindsay Place: let's hear it for the non-smoking generation
    • New Richmond: students speak out for prizes
    • Sunnydale: parents enjoy music
    • Edgewater: parents learn about Youth Protection Act
    • Westpark: champion tag day volunteers
    • Willingdon: fun fair up the street
    • Courtland Park: students enjoy chess and folk dancing
    • Meadowbrook first dance was a smash success
    • Herbert Purcell: buildup to speech night
    • Valois Park: bike rodeo
    • Black Cape: gone but not forgotten
    • New Carlisle: students present Loyalist play
    • Hopetown: students remember Terry Fox
  • Safety Scene
    • Roller-skating can be safe
    • Traffic volunteers to be insured?
    • Few teens buckle up
    • Is faster better?
    • Bicycle safety
Quebec Federation of Home and School Associations (QFHSA). “Quebec Home & School News” 21, no. 2 (May 1984).
Geographical area

Partenaire participant à la BOSC lié à cette ressource

Logo de Fédération québécoise des associations foyer-école, inc. (QFHSA)

Fédération québécoise des associations foyer-école, inc. (QFHSA)

Fondation :

Public cible :
Secteur de l’éducation en anglais du Québec, de la maternelle à la 5e secondaire

Site Web : 

Activités :
Activités d’alphabétisation; activités pédagogiques; ateliers sur le leadership; ateliers sur le rôle parental

Anciens noms :
[Fusion entre] le Québec Provincial Council of Home and Schools et les Greater Montréal Federation of Home and School Associations; Quebec Federation of Protestant Home and School Associations