Bibliothèque complète
AQ Calls on the Language Minister to Examine Research on French Immersion in Canada or "Second Language Programs in Other Countries" and Provide English-speaking Children in Quebec with the Same Learning Opportunities as Their English-speaking Counterparts
- Alliance Quebec (AQ) (Author)
AQ Calls on the Language Minister to Examine Research on French Immersion in Canada or "Second Language Programs in Other Countries" and Provide English-speaking Children in Quebec with the Same Learning Opportunities as Their English-speaking Counterparts
August 15, 2000
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Alliance Quebec (AQ). “AQ Calls on the Language Minister to Examine Research on French Immersion in Canada or ‘Second Language Programs in Other Countries’ and Provide English-Speaking Children in Quebec with the Same Learning Opportunities as Their English-Speaking Counterparts,” August 15, 2000.
Geographical area
Contributing CKOL partner
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Partenaire participant à la BOSC lié à cette ressource
Alliance Quebec (AQ)
Fondation :
1982 ; dissolution en 2005
Public cible :
Organismes membres et individus d’expression anglaise du Québec
Site Web :
Aucun site web actif
Activités :
Groupe parapluie des organisations communautaires d’expression anglaise à l'échelle de la province ; représentation des intérêts de la communauté d’expression anglaise auprès des différents niveaux de gouvernement ; promotion des droits de la personne et des droits des minorités linguistiques.
Ancien nom :
Issu de la fusion du Positive Action Committee et du Council for Quebec Minorities.