Bibliothèque complète
The Integration of the New Information and Communication Techologies in the English Schools of Québec
- Advisory Board on English Education (Author)
The Integration of the New Information and Communication Techologies in the English Schools of Québec
At a time when the reform of education is under way and there is mounting pressure to integrate the new information and communication technologies in schools, the Advisory Board on English Education has tried to identify some of the opportunities for and barriers to an effective implementation of technological developments, in order to allow English schools to take full
advantage of the new technologies for the enhancement of learning. To this end we have focused on the four key elements of the educational process most conducive to change: the role of the teacher, student learning, school organization and the need to expand the present technological network throughout the school system.
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Advisory Board on English Education. The Integration of the New Information and Communication Techologies in the English Schools of Québec, 1997.
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Commission de l’éducation en langue anglaise (CELA)
Fondation :
Public cible :
Secteur de l’éducation en langue anglaise, particulièrement le Ministère de l’éducation
Activités :
Donner des avis au ministre de l’Éducation sur les questions touchant les services éducatifs dans les écoles anglophones primaires et secondaires et des centres d’éducation aux adultes et de la formation professionnelle
Ancien nom :
Groupe de travail sur le réseau scolaire anglophone