
December 2022 eBulletin

December 2022 eBulletin
[December, 2022]
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Number of pages: 12

Article titles:

  • Happy Holidays to All, Enjoy!
  • McGill Library and Other MCLL Benefits
  • Lifelong Learners from Across Canada Getting Together - CURAC
  • MCLL Needs You: To Become a Zoom Host
  • Physical Activity Study for Seniors Volunteers
  • Volunteers for Study on Image Quality Perception
  • MCLL Liaison with Seniors' Residences for Our Lecture Program
  • Tablet Lending Program for MCLL Members
  • Want to Practice Your French?
  • MCLL Office Volunteers Needed
  • MCLL Winter Registration Opens on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 9 a.m.
  • Collaboration with MURA (McGill University Retiree Association)
  • Presentation Skills Workshop for MCLL Lecturers and Study Group Leaders
  • MCLL Indigenous Relations Group Corner
  • Bénévoles francophones recherchés
McGill Community For Lifelong Learning (MCLL). “December 2022 EBulletin” (December 2022).
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McGill Community for Lifelong Learning (MCLL)

Fondation :

Public cible :
Des gens qui veulent continuer à apprendre pour le plaisir et qui souhaitent partager leurs connaissances, leurs idées, leur expérience et leurs intérêts avec les autres.

Site web :

Activités :
Groupes d'étude, conférences, ateliers, sorties et activités sociales

Ancien nom :
The McGill Institute for Learning in Retirement (MILR)