
Fostering Health and Well-Being in Education

Fostering Health and Well-Being in Education
Spring, 2017
Series Title
LEARNing Landscapes
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Number of pages: 351

Article titles:

  • Statement of purpose
  • Review board
  • Editorial
  • Building from the ground up: The key to health and well-being in schools
  • Bringing mindfulness to the k-6 classroom
  • Student health and well-being in indigenous communities: “No one is healed until everyone is healed”
  • Sound, smart, and safe: A plea for teaching good digital hygiene
  • A mindfulness curriculum: high school students’ experiences of yoga in a Nova Scotia school
  • Supporting students by maintaining professional well-being in high-stress jobs
  • Evaluation of an educator-delivered school-based stress management program for adolescents
  • Disempowering mindfulness: Reflections on discovering the veils of power in well-being and good intentions
  • Strengths and challenges of arts-based programming for individuals with Alzheimer’s and related dementias
  • Fitspiration to inspire or to mire?  
  • A review of the literature and educational implications
  • “When my mom was incarcerated, I missed her.”  Trauma’s impact on learning in pre-k-12 classrooms
  • Doctoral peer writing groups as a means of promoting well-being
  • Fostering well-being in education through yoga and mindfulness in the snow (snowga)
  • Changing perceptions about changes in the teen brain: An overview
  • “Let’s just stop and take a breath”: A community-driven approach to mindfulness practice in a high poverty elementary school
  • Picturing (as) resistance: Studying resistance and well-being of indigenous girls and young women in addressing sexual violence
  • Primary teachers’ perceptions of mindfulness practices with young children
  • Smarteducation: Developing stress management and resiliency techniques
  • Talk, listen, and understand: the impact of a jazz improvisation experience on an amateur adult musician’s mind, body, and spirit
  • Living tensions of co-creating a wellness program and narrative inquiry alongside urban aboriginal youth
  • Sexuality education in technical and vocational institutions in Guyana: Possibilities and challenges
  • The essential role of play in school contexts for the well-being of children
  • Connecting storytelling and social wellness: A case for holistic storytelling in the elementary classroom
  • Women reflect on being well in academia: Challenges and supports
Leading English Education and Resource Network (LEARN). “Fostering Health and Well-Being in Education” 10, no. 2. LEARNing Landscapes (Spring 2017).
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Leading English Education and Resource Network (LEARN)

Fondation :

Public cible :
Secteur de l’éducation en anglais (éducateurs, élèves, parents, centres scolaires communautaires) du Québec

Site Web : 

Activités :
Promotion de l’enseignement en anglais; tutorat en ligne; création de ressources pour les enseignants et les élèves; ateliers sur le rôle parental; santé mentale et exercices; formation à l’enseignement; développement des centres scolaires communautaires du Québec et soutien

Ancien nom :
LEARN a été fondé en juillet 2005 après la fusion de trois organismes.