
Teaching With Technology : Pedagogical Possibilities and Practicalities

Teaching With Technology : Pedagogical Possibilities and Practicalities
Autumn, 2017
Series Title
LEARNing Landscapes
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Number of pages: 244

Article titles:

  • Statement of purpose
  • Review board
  • Editorial
  • Putting the focus on children as deliverers of new technologies
  • The challenges of using integrated technology in the classroom
  • An exploration of artistic and technological symmetry
  • Instilling joy in a digital age
  • Considering authority and authorship in technological contexts in a Brazilian school
  • “Why haven’t I tried Twitter until now?”: Using Twitter in teacher education
  • Can technology support teaching for global readiness? The case of the global read aloud
  • Teachers’ experience using technology to provide feedback that enhances students’ persuasive writing skills
  • Does your school have the maker fever? An experiential learning approach to developing maker competencies
  • Texting to motivate language learning: WhatsApp group chats and near peer role modeling (NPRM)
  • Implementing a digital hub strategy: preservice teacher and faculty perspectives
  • Developing 21st century competencies of marginalized students through the use of augmented reality (ARr)
  • Educating about and for the future
  • Blended learning and data use in three technology-infused charter schools
  • Inclusive teaching with digital technology: Supporting literacy learning in play-based kindergartens
  • Journeys to teaching qualitative research methods online
  • Pedagogical implications for using a wiki in peer-to-peer learning environments
Leading English Education and Resource Network (LEARN). “Teaching With Technology : Pedagogical Possibilities and Practicalities” 11, no. 1. LEARNing Landscapes (Autumn 2017).
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Leading English Education and Resource Network (LEARN)

Fondation :

Public cible :
Secteur de l’éducation en anglais (éducateurs, élèves, parents, centres scolaires communautaires) du Québec

Site Web : 

Activités :
Promotion de l’enseignement en anglais; tutorat en ligne; création de ressources pour les enseignants et les élèves; ateliers sur le rôle parental; santé mentale et exercices; formation à l’enseignement; développement des centres scolaires communautaires du Québec et soutien

Ancien nom :
LEARN a été fondé en juillet 2005 après la fusion de trois organismes.