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An Uncertain Future for the Future of Québec : Policy Brief on the Under Employment of English-speaking Youth in the Quebec Civil Service

An Uncertain Future for the Future of Québec : Policy Brief on the Under Employment of English-speaking Youth in the Quebec Civil Service
Since the start of the COVID-19 global pandemic, post-secondary students have been amongst the hardest hit economically. In the span of two months, the unemployment rate amongst Canadian post-secondary students almost doubled, and less than a quarter of previously employed students continued working their regular hours. The global pandemic further exacerbated pre-existing issues of economic vulnerability and underemployment amongst English-speaking youth in Quebec. According to a 2018 CHSSN report, the unemployment rate amongst English-speaking youth was 13.3%, whereas that of their Frenchspeaking counterparts was 9.8%.2 Across different industries, the under-employment of Englishspeaking youth is perhaps the most pitiful within the Quebec civil service. In general, anglophones have represented between 0.7% and 1% of the provincial civil service for nearly half a century, despite representing 7.4% of the population in 2016
Youth for Youth Québec (Y4Y Québec)
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Lawler, Madeleine. An Uncertain Future for the Future of Québec : Policy Brief on the Under Employment of English-Speaking Youth in the Quebec Civil Service. Youth for Youth Québec (Y4Y Québec), 2020.
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Youth for Youth Québec (Y4Y Québec)

Fondation :
Janvier 2018

Public cible :
Jeunes anglophones (âgés de 16 à 30 ans) dans la province de Québec.

Site Web :

Activités :
Partager l'information sur les ressources, les possibilités de formation et de réseautage, et les services d'emploi et de carrière pour les jeunes anglophones (âgés de 16 à 30 ans); offrir des possibilités de mise en réseau pour les jeunes anglophones du Québec, afin d'inclure des possibilités d'engagement avec la majorité de langue officielle; produire et diffuser des politiques concernant les jeunes anglophones du Québec.

Ancien nom :
s. o.