
Teaching and Learning in the Digital World : Possibilities and Challenges

Teaching and Learning in the Digital World : Possibilities and Challenges
Spring, 2013
Series Title
LEARNing Landscapes
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Number of pages: 424

Article titles:

  • Statement of purpose
  • Review board
  • Editorial
  • Technology talk with a grade two student
  • The new pedagogy: Students and teachers as learning partners
  • The state of learning: A preview
  • At the evolving intersection of teaching and technology
  • What Twitter will and will not do: Theorizing about teachers’ online professional communities
  • Educational uses of the digital world for human development
  • An honest account of the humbling experience of learning to teach online
  • License to drive, license to learn:  Promoting policy for safe and innovative social networking use schools
  • Transforming teaching and learning through critical media literacy  pedagogy
  • The benefits of using educational videos in American Sign Language in early childhood settings
  • The tides of teaching: Rising to new levels of understanding through negotiation and conversation in an online reading course
  • Reimagining a writer’s process through digital storytelling
  • Immediate gratification: Examining the use of digital media in adolescents’ in-school and out-of-school lives
  • E-learning pedagogy: Addressing struggling learners in regular k-12 classrooms as an intransigent design problem
  • Getting intelligence into the minds of people
  • Supporting climate science research with 21st century technologies and a virtual student conference for upper elementary to high school students
  • Teaching with electronic portfolios to develop 21st century literacies
  • Don’t give up: A case study on girls and video game design
  • Text-to-speech technology as inclusive reading practice: Changing perspectives, overcoming barriers
  • Developing interactive andragogical online content for nursing students
  • Teaching with portals: The intersection of video games and physics education
  • Lest we forget: Mixing traditional and digital learning in the history classroom
  • Re-forming networks through “looping”: An ecological approach to a teacher’s incorporation of new technologies in early childhood
  • Knowledge building and knowledge forum: Getting started with pedagogy and technology
  • Participatory video as a catalyst for informal learning and expression: A review of a PV training in Uganda, 2012
Leading English Education and Resource Network (LEARN). “Teaching and Learning in the Digital World : Possibilities and Challenges” 6, no. 2. LEARNing Landscapes (Spring 2013).
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Leading English Education and Resource Network (LEARN)

Fondation :

Public cible :
Secteur de l’éducation en anglais (éducateurs, élèves, parents, centres scolaires communautaires) du Québec

Site Web : 

Activités :
Promotion de l’enseignement en anglais; tutorat en ligne; création de ressources pour les enseignants et les élèves; ateliers sur le rôle parental; santé mentale et exercices; formation à l’enseignement; développement des centres scolaires communautaires du Québec et soutien

Ancien nom :
LEARN a été fondé en juillet 2005 après la fusion de trois organismes.