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Promoting Opportunities for Youth Community Partnerships : A Policy Brief

Promoting Opportunities for Youth Community Partnerships : A Policy Brief
Across Canada, youth retention and success have always been key in ensuring the continued vitality of official language minority communities (OLMCs). Within the context of Quebec, retention in particular is a constant challenge, where English-speaking youth are disproportionately apt to pursue professional opportunities outside of the province. While this option should never be condemned, it is nonetheless important to ensure that those who wish to remain have access to the resources necessary to help them thrive therein. With this in mind, and considering that youth retention is equally beneficial to the state, policymakers need to be in a position to support organizations that are working towards this objective.
Youth for Youth Québec (Y4Y Québec)
March, 2019
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Lai, Edward, Adrienne Winrow, and Charlie Orme. Promoting Opportunities for Youth Community Partnerships : A Policy Brief. Youth for Youth Québec (Y4Y Québec), March 2019.
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Logo de Youth for Youth Québec (Y4Y Québec)

Youth for Youth Québec (Y4Y Québec)

Fondation :
Janvier 2018

Public cible :
Jeunes anglophones (âgés de 16 à 30 ans) dans la province de Québec.

Site Web :

Activités :
Partager l'information sur les ressources, les possibilités de formation et de réseautage, et les services d'emploi et de carrière pour les jeunes anglophones (âgés de 16 à 30 ans); offrir des possibilités de mise en réseau pour les jeunes anglophones du Québec, afin d'inclure des possibilités d'engagement avec la majorité de langue officielle; produire et diffuser des politiques concernant les jeunes anglophones du Québec.

Ancien nom :
s. o.