Creativity : Insights, Directions, and Possibilities
Creativity : Insights, Directions, and Possibilities
Autumn, 2012
Series Title
LEARNing Landscapes
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Number of pages: 510
Article titles:
- Statement of purpose
- Review board
- Editorial
- Reflections on some dangers to childhood creativity
- On children’s creativity: Defying expectation
- A portrait of the creative process in children’s learning
- Getting at the heart of the creative experience
- A week in creativity
- Graduate research writing: A pedagogy of possibility
- Uprooting social work education
- A day at Filastrocca preschool, Pistoia, Italy: Meaning making through literacy and creative experience
- The power of imagination: constructing innovative classrooms through a cultural-historical approach to creative education
- Nurturing creativity and professional learning for 21st century education: Responsive design and the cultural landscapes collaboratory
- Enabling creativity in learning environments: Lessons from the Creanova project
- Identity and creativity: Putting two and two together
- Narrative insights: A creative space for learning
- Portraying children’s voices through creative approaches to enhance their transition experience and improve the transition practice
- Creating mentorship metaphors: Pacific island perspectives
- Working with a student model in a creative non-fiction workshop: Charging joint creativity
- Creative literacies and learning with Latino emergent bilinguals
- Steppingstones to appreciating the importance of play in the creative act
- Fostering a creativity mindset for teaching (and learning)
- Debate, deliberation, design, and delivery: Deciding (whether or) not to go by the book
- The creative research process: Delights and difficulties
- Sound stories cultivate historic empathy in teachers and students
- The promise of creativity
- Creativity in the person: Contemporary perspectives
- The journey from trepidation to theory: P-12 teacher researchers and creativity
- Comfortably uncomfortable: A study of undergraduate students’ responses to working in a creative learning environment
- Old pathways, new directions: Using lived experiences to rethink classroom management
- Leading beautifully: The creative economy and beyond
Leading English Education and Resource Network (LEARN). “Creativity : Insights, Directions, and Possibilities” 6, no. 1. LEARNing Landscapes (Autumn 2012).
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Leading English Education and Resource Network (LEARN)
English-language educational sector (educators, students, parents, Community Learning Centres) in the province of Quebec
Promoting English education; online tutoring; creating teacher and student resources; parenting workshops; mental health and exercise; teacher training; support and development of Quebec’s Community Learning Centres
Former Name:
Founded through the merger of merger of three organizations in July 2005