Artful Inquiry : Transforming Understanding Through Creative Engagement
Artful Inquiry : Transforming Understanding Through Creative Engagement
Spring, 2016
Series Title
LEARNing Landscapes
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Number of pages: 552
Article titles:
- Statement of purpose
- Review board
- Editorial
- Portraiture methodology: Blending art and science
- Fiction as a transformative tool
- Urban arts pedagogy at James Lyng high school
- Musical leadership and societal transformation: Inspiration and courage in action
- Portraits of high potential-high need students: The role of teacher inquiry
- “Designerly” ways of reading: Insights from reader response in drama for enriching the “a” in language arts
- Access stories … and a bit more: A talking circle inspired discussion
- Encouraging a curiosity of learning: Reflecting on arts-informed spaces within the classroom
- Transition from primary to secondary school through visual arts education
- Attuning to the interstices of arts-based research and the expressive arts: An experiment in expanding the possibilities for creative approaches to inquiry
- Artful research approaches in #amwritingwithbaby: Qualitative analysis of academic mothers on facebook
- Using arts-based research exercises to foster reflexivity in qualitative research
- Performing leadership: John cage’s 4’33” reprise
- The digital shrine: Community-engaged art and sharing of memory with seniors
- Transforming environmental awareness of students through the arts and place-based pedagogies
- Artful inquiry in the e-learning journal
- Re-locating the self: Portraiture for teacher professional growth
- Creativity and imagination in schools: A reflection on practice
- It is all part of the process: Becoming pedagogical through artful inquiry
- Suicide is painless: An autoethnography of tragedy
- A poem can: Poetic encounters
- Creating spaces for arts-informed responses in teacher education programs
- Valuing creative engagement: Transforming assessment practices for the arts
- The art & science project: Constructing knowledge through creative assessments
- Addressing “who are you as a scholarly professional?” through artful and creative engagement
- Close reading and movement: A lesson on student engagement and the four cs
- Exploring methodological inventiveness through collective artful self-study research
- The glow of unwork? Issues of portrayal in arts-related research
- Arts-informed narrative inquiry: Crossing boundaries of research and teaching-learning
- Constructing pre-service teacher identities through processes of parallax
- Discovering my left hand: Conducting language arts research in Nigeria
- The teacher as silenced superhero
Leading English Education and Resource Network (LEARN). “Artful Inquiry : Transforming Understanding Through Creative Engagement” 9, no. 2. LEARNing Landscapes (Spring 2016).
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Leading English Education and Resource Network (LEARN)
Fondation :
Public cible :
Secteur de l’éducation en anglais (éducateurs, élèves, parents, centres scolaires communautaires) du Québec
Site Web :
Activités :
Promotion de l’enseignement en anglais; tutorat en ligne; création de ressources pour les enseignants et les élèves; ateliers sur le rôle parental; santé mentale et exercices; formation à l’enseignement; développement des centres scolaires communautaires du Québec et soutien
Ancien nom :
LEARN a été fondé en juillet 2005 après la fusion de trois organismes.