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The Philanthropist : The Life and Legacy of Jeffery Hale

The Philanthropist : The Life and Legacy of Jeffery Hale
In Quebec City, people associate the name Jeffery Hale with a hospital. While Hale certainly helped create the institution that bears his name, his story and legacy go well beyond its walls. Unlike most English-speaking immigrants who came to Canada, Jeffery Hale’s ancestors were rich, powerful, and very well connected. They lived a privileged life with strong transatlantic ties to the Royal Family and the colonial military. They furthered a British imperialist agenda and made decisions that shaped the destiny of North America.
Jeffery Hale - Saint Brigids (JHSB)
January, 2020
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A companion to The Philanthropist, a multimedia theatre presentation by Michael Boden.

Donovan, Patrick. The Philanthropist : The Life and Legacy of Jeffery Hale. Jeffery Hale - Saint Brigids (JHSB), January 2020.
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Logo de Jeffery Hale – Saint Brigid's (JHSB) / Partenaires communautaires Jeffery Hale (JHCP)

Jeffery Hale – Saint Brigid's (JHSB) / Partenaires communautaires Jeffery Hale (JHCP)

Fondation :
1856 (Saint Bridget’s Asylum / Home); 1865 (Jeffery Hale’s Hospital); 1991 (Holland Centre / WE!); 1991 (HRDP / JHCP)

Public cible :
Tous les résidents de la région de Québec, particulièrement la population d’expression anglaise.

Site Web :

Activités :
Santé et services sociaux

Anciens noms / Autres noms :
Saint Bridget's Asylum, Saint Brigid's Home, Jeffery Hale’s Hospital, Holland Centre, Wellness Centre at Jeffery Hale (WE!), Holland Resources Development Corporation (HRDP), JH Partners