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Quebec City's Literary Heritage : A Bibliography

Quebec City's Literary Heritage : A Bibliography
The Literary and Historical Society of Quebec (LHSQ), founded in 1824, has a mandate to foster English-language culture in the Quebec City region and to share its diverse heritage. Literature is a vital element in this heritage, and the LHSQ has taken on a project to celebrate Quebec City’s English-language literary heritage. The first step of this project is to generate an accessible knowledge base, or bibliography. This tool will have several repercussions: book purchases for the LHSQ’s library, written articles to promote these books, and the hosting of literary events in 2007 and 2008. This project is financed by the Department of Canadian Heritage as part of the Development of Official-Language Communities Program - Community Life component.
1: Fiction, Journals, Memoirs, Travel Writing, Children's Literature
Quebec City, QC
Literary & Historical Society of Quebebc
# of Pages
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Donovan, Patrick. Quebec City’s Literary Heritage : A Bibliography. Vol. 1: Fiction, Journals, Memoirs, Travel Writing, Children's Literature. Quebec City, QC: Literary & Historical Society of Quebebc, 2007.
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Morrin Centre

Fondation :
1824 (Le Morrin Centre est géré par la Société littéraire et historique du Québec, fondée en 1824)

Public cible :
Grand public, particulièrement les communautés d’expression anglaise de la région de Québec

Site web :

Activités :
Offrir au public d’expression anglaise et française une programmation riche dans les secteurs de l’interprétation du patrimoine, de l’éducation et des arts.

Anciens ou autres noms :
Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, Société littéraire et historique du Québec