Regional Tourism Action Plan for the English-speaking Community of the Gaspé and Magdalen Islands 2018-2023
- Harrison, Kim (Author)
Regional Tourism Action Plan for the English-speaking Community of the Gaspé and Magdalen Islands 2018-2023
The Committee for Anglophone Social Action (CASA) works to build and strengthen the vitality of the English-speaking community of the Gaspé Coast This regional tourism action plan has been developed to foster the increased participation in the tourism industry by English speakers and encourage a greater number of English speakers to visit the Gaspé Coast and the Magdalen Islands.
The English-speaking community of the region faces many socio-economic challenges as compared to the francophone population. Increased participation in tourism industry would generate social and economic benefits at the individual, organizational and community level.
A recent study commissioned by the Community Economic Development and Employability Committee has indicated a high level of interest by American and Ontarian travellers in visiting the attractions of the English-speaking Quebec, as well as the desire to receive English services when visiting the province.
Committee for Anglophone Social Action (CASA)
March, 2018
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Harrison, Kim. Regional Tourism Action Plan for the English-Speaking Community of the Gaspé and Magdalen Islands 2018-2023. Committee for Anglophone Social Action (CASA), March 2018.
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Partenaires participant à la BOSC liés à cette ressource
Comité d’action sociale anglophone (CASA)
Fondation :
Public cible :
Population de langue anglaise de la côte de Gaspé, au Québec
Site Web :
Activités :
Promouvoir l’alphabétisation; soutien parental; programmes artistiques et culturels; activités pour bébés et enfants; programmes d’emploi et de persévérance scolaire; programmes de bien-être pour aînés; promotion de la santé et prévention; information juridique; vidéoconférences en santé
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S. o.