Fostering the Well-Being of English-Speaking Quebecers Through Community Involvement? : A Statistical Analysis of the Relationship Between Activism and Individual Happiness
- Bonin, Pierre-Olivier (Author)
Fostering the Well-Being of English-Speaking Quebecers Through Community Involvement? : A Statistical Analysis of the Relationship Between Activism and Individual Happiness
Scholars of many disciplines have studied Canadian official language minority communities (OLMCs) such as the English-speaking communities in Quebec. One of the most successful research frameworks draws on the notion of vitality. Studies on vitality, be it construed as group vitality (e.g., Bourhis et al. 2019), subjective vitality (e.g., Landry and Allard 1994) or community vitality (e.g., Floch, Abou-Rjeili, and Durand 2017), have provided detailed empirical portraits of OLMCs.
While scholars working in the latter area have addressed the many symptoms, causes, and consequences of strong and weak vitality, this working paper will provide empirical insights on a less often studied side of the question. Specifically, the extant literature has addressed the issue of vitality by examining aggregate indicators; this working paper will examine solutions that may improve the well-being of OLMCs at the individual level.
Montreal, QC
Quebec English-speaking Communities Research Network (QUESCREN)
April, 2020
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Parallel title: QUESCREN Working Paper no.2
Bonin, Pierre-Olivier. Fostering the Well-Being of English-Speaking Quebecers Through Community Involvement? : A Statistical Analysis of the Relationship Between Activism and Individual Happiness. Montreal, QC: Quebec English-speaking Communities Research Network (QUESCREN), April 2020.
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Réseau de recherche sur les communautés québécoises d’expression anglaise (QUESCREN)
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