DCCADI : Developing Connections and Collaborations Among Digital Initiatives : Final Report to: Canada Council - Digital Strategy Fund
- English Language Arts Network (ELAN) (Author)
DCCADI : Developing Connections and Collaborations Among Digital Initiatives : Final Report to: Canada Council - Digital Strategy Fund
With the Developing Connections & Collaborations Among Digital Initiatives (DCCADI) project, ELAN’s ARTS2U has worked with Canada-wide digital initiatives in the arts. ELAN has forged strong relationships among similar projects with the review of data structures, research of commonalities, strategic alignments, and best practices. The ARTS2U - DCCADI initiative provides recommendations for the benefit of Canadian artists and organizations seeking to have increased visibility on digital platforms.
The shift to digital platforms has had resounding impacts on creators of art in Canada. Visibility and find-ability are key concepts when artists are seeking to connect with their audiences. The key ideas are central to artists as they strive to achieve sustainable business models in a world powered by AI, machine learning, and structured data. The distribution of arts events and products is currently dominated by social media and technology companies, and Canadian artists are largely not in control of their capacity to reach audiences.
English-Language Arts Network (ELAN)
January, 2020
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English Language Arts Network (ELAN). DCCADI : Developing Connections and Collaborations Among Digital Initiatives : Final Report to: Canada Council - Digital Strategy Fund. English-Language Arts Network (ELAN), January 2020.
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English Language Arts Network (ELAN)
Fondation :
Public cible :
Artistes et groupes artistiques de langue anglaise du Québec
Site Web :
Activités :
Promotion des artistes au moyen d’une vitrine et de prix; soutien aux programmes et à la formation artistiques; promotion des arts; création de liens avec des artistes de langue française; ateliers; défense des droits
Ancien nom :
S. o.