Quebec Home & School News
Quebec Home & School News
March, 1991
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Number of pages: 16
Article titles:
- Hon. Jane Barry of New Brunswick says: see whole education at Home and School
- Elementary AIDS info
- Graduation - the main event by Joanne Bartholomew-Dwyer
- Math matters for kids
- Racism fuelled violence
- Parents want bilingual kids
- Co-President's message - needed: area reps for QFHSA board
- Big news for mom & dad
- Where the money goes...
- School Council Island of Montreal
- Focus on Membership
- SEVEC exchange program
- Kids for peace
- Children should co-operate to end conflict
- Human rights course draws 150
- Attention Home & School locals
- Science: choose fun books
- Environmental info
- Lakeshore Regional Council: helping H&S on the West Island
- Bridging the school/job gap
- Dropouts targeted
- Small class has few benefits
- Gaspé teacher no. 2 in computer contest
- Visit Parliament on video tour
- Fall Conference
- CEGEP a major step from high school
- Focus on the Locals
- Lindsay Place High School
- Valois Park
- Beacon Hill
- MacDonald H.S.: students get awards; parents meet teachers
- E.P. Pointe Claire: ups and downs
- École Primaire Beaconsfield: welcome Sandra
- Luft steps down as commissioner
- Hampstead
- Windermere
- Cecil Newman
- Howick: library relocates
- Edgewater
- Thorndale
- Dorset Elizabeth Ballantyne
- Allancroft
- Keith
- Cedar Park
- Seignory: grand parents make the day
- Christmas PArk
- Carlyle
- St. Veronica
- Courtland Park
- Mt. Pleasant
- Northview
- Greendale
- Westpark
- Home, school not distinct worlds
- Safety Scene
- Smith retires from MUCPD
- Videos teach traffic safety
Quebec Federation of Home and School Associations (QFHSA). “Quebec Home & School News” 28, no. 1 (March 1991).
Geographical area
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Fédération québécoise des associations foyer-école, inc. (QFHSA)
Fondation :
Public cible :
Secteur de l’éducation en anglais du Québec, de la maternelle à la 5e secondaire
Site Web :
Activités :
Activités d’alphabétisation; activités pédagogiques; ateliers sur le leadership; ateliers sur le rôle parental
Anciens noms :
[Fusion entre] le Québec Provincial Council of Home and Schools et les Greater Montréal Federation of Home and School Associations; Quebec Federation of Protestant Home and School Associations